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Amigurumi Angela Doll Free Crochet Pattern


Amigurumi Angela Doll Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Don’t forget to subscribe to receive notifications of our new free recipes.

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Angela Doll Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;




• Fio Balloon/Balloon Amigo
002 – branco
5795 – macaroon
7762 – marrom raiz
5362 – vermelho red night
• Agulha de crochê 2.00mm
• Olhos com tr • Olhos com trava de segurança tamanho 11
• Enchimento
• Tesoura
• Agulha de tapeçaria
• Botão de 0,5 cm
• Arame de artesanato (aproximadamente 30 cm)
• Cola (opcional)
• Fitas decorativa



pb: ponto baixo
aum: aumento (2 pb no mesmo ponto)
aum-triplo: aumento triplo (3 pb no mesmo ponto)
dim: diminuição invisível de ponto baixo
corr: correntinha
pbxmo: ponto baixíssimo
mpa: meio ponto alto
pa: ponto alto
aum-pa: aumento de ponto alto
FLO: “front loop only” – apenas nas alças da frente
BLO: “back loop only” – apenas nas alças de trás



Cor 5795 – agulha 2.00mm

  1. 6 pb no anel mágico [6]
  2. aum x6 [12]
  3. (5 pb, aum) x2 [14]
  4. pb em cada ponto [14]
  5. (5 pb, dim) x2 [12]
    6-24. pb em cada ponto [12]
    Não coloque enchimento. Dobre a
    última carreira e faça 6 pb inserindo
    a agulha pelos dois lados da carreira.
    Arremate e esconda o fio. Faça 2



Comece na cor 7762 – agulha 2.00mm

  1. Faça 6 corr. Começando na 2ª corr a contar da agulha, faça pb pelas próximas 4 corr, faça 3 pb juntos na última corr. Continuando no outro lado das
    corr, faça pb pelas próximas 3 corr, aum na última corr. [12]
  2. aum, 3 pb, 3 aum, 3 pb, 2 aum [18]
  3. 1 pb, aum, 3 pb, (1 pb, aum) x3, 3 pb, (1 pb, aum) x2 [24]
  4. BLO pb em cada ponto [24]
    5-7. pb em cada ponto [24]
  5. 5 pb, 6 dim, 7 pb [18]
  6. 5 pb, 3 dim, 7 pb [1510-12. pb em cada ponto [15]
    Troque para a cor 002

    1. BLO 2 pb, aum, 7 pb, aum, 4 pb [17]
    2. pb em cada ponto [17]
      Troque para a cor 5795
    3. BLO 3 pb, aum, 7 pb, aum, 5 pb [19]
    4. pb em cada ponto [19]
      Faça 1 pbxmo em cada uma das alcinhas da frente que sobraram na carreira
      12 com a cor 7762. Faça também pbxmo em cada uma das alcinhas da carreira 14 com a cor 002.
    5. 4 pb, aum, 7 pb, aum, 6 pb [21]
    6. pb em cada ponto [21]
    7. 5 pb, aum, 7 pb, aum, 7 pb [23]
      20-24. pb em cada ponto [23]
      Arremate e esconda o fio.
      Coloque enchimento.
      Faça 2. Arremate e corte o fio de
      apenas uma das pernas, não corte o
      fio da outra, vamos formar o corpo a
      partir dessaCORPO

      Posicione as duas pernas de frente pra você, de modo que fiquem com a
      parte mais redonda dos pés virada para frente. Vamos unir as duas pernas
      para formar o corpo e estas precisam estar alinhadas para não ficarem tortas.
      Marque o ponto no meio da parte interior de cada perna, pois é onde a união
      das pernas começa. Faça pontos adicionais na 2ª perna para mover o primeiro ponto para o meio. Eu fiz 6 pontos adicionais.

      1. Continuando na 2ª perna, faça 4 correntinhas, insira a agulha no ponto marcado da 1ª perna e faça 1 pb para unir, faça pb por toda a 1ª perna (23 pb),
        pb em cada corr (4 pb), pb por toda a 2ª perna (23 pb), pb no outro lado de
        cada corr (4 pb) [total: 54 pb]
    8. 3. pb em cada ponto [54]
      1. (7 pb, dim) x6 [48]
      2. pb em cada ponto [48]
      3. (6 pb, dim) x6 [42]
        17-19. pb em cada ponto [42]
      4. (5 pb, dim) x6 [36]
        21-25. pb em cada ponto [36]
        Agora vamos unir os braços ao corpo, sem precisar de costura.
      5. 7 pb, 6 pb no braço e no corpo ao mesmo tempo, 12 pb no corpo, 6 pb
        no braço e no corpo ao mesmo tempo, 5 pb [36] Coloque enchimento.
        !! Verifique se os braços estão alinhados e simétricos em relação ao corpo!
        Caso necessário, faça a união dos braços 1-2 pontos antes ou depois.

        1. (4 pb, dim) x6 [30]
        2. (3 pb, dim) x6 [24]
        3. (1 pb, dim) x8 [16]
          30-32. pb em cada ponto [16]
          Arremate e deixe um fio longo para costurar na cabeça depoi



        Cor 5795 – agulha 2.00mm

        1. 6 pb no anel mágico
        2. aum x6 [12]
        3. (1 pb, aum) x6 [18]
        4. (2 pb, aum) x6 [24]
        5. (3 pb, aum) x6 [30]
        6. (4 pb, aum) x6 [36]
        7. (5 pb, aum) x6 [42]
        8. (6 pb, aum) x6 [48]
        9. (7 pb, aum) x6 [54]
        10. (8 pb, aum) x6 [60]
          11-24. pb em cada ponto [60]
        11. (8 pb, dim) x6 [54]
        12. (7 pb, dim) x6 [48]
          Coloque os olhos entre as carreiras 18-19 com 7 pontos visíveis de distância
          entre um e outro. Coloque enchimento.
        13. (4 pb, dim) x8 [40]
        14. (3 pb, dim) x8 [32]
        15. (2 pb, dim) x8 [24]
        16. (1 pb, dim) x8 [16]
          Arremate e esconda o fioORELHAS

          Cor 5795 – agulha 2.00mm
          Faça 6 mpa dentro de um anel mágico. Puxe o fio para juntar os pontos.
          Arremate e deixe um fio longo para costurar. Faça 2



          Com a agulha de tapeçaria, faça os bordados inserindo a agulha pelo buraco
          em baixo da cabeça. Depois de fazer cada bordado, faça um nó e esconda o
          fio dentro da cabeça.

          Passo 1:
          Vamos começar “afundando” os olhos da nossa boneca. Pegue o fio da
          mesma cor da cabeça e insira pelas laterais do olho, como mostram as imagens. Deixe o fio entrar em baixo do olho até sumir. Puxe bem as pontas do
          fio para afundar os olhos. Repita no outro olho.

          Passo 2:
          Com fio branco, faça o branquinho
          dos olhos na parte lateral externa do
          olho. Repita no outro olho.
          Passo 3:
          Com fio preto, borde os cílios como
          mostram as imagens. Comece fazendo a parte superior, depois um “risquinho” na lateral externa. Repita no outro olho.

          Passo 4:
          Com fio da mesma cor da cabeça,
          borde o nariz uma carreira abaixo
          dos olhos. O nariz tem a largura de 3
          pontos baixos. Depois, passe o fio de
          baixo para cima em direção vertical
          várias vezes para obter um nariz mais cheio.
          Passo 5:
          Com fio da mesma cor do cabelo,
          borde as sobrancelhas.Passo 6:
          Passe blush rosa no nariz e nas bochechas.
          Passo 7:
          Costure as orelhas em cada lado da
          cabeça na altura dos olhos


          Cor 7762 – agulha 2.00mm

          1. 6 pb no anel mágico
          2. aum x6 [12]
          3. (1 pb, aum) x6 [18]
          4. (2 pb, aum) x6 [24]
          5. (3 pb, aum) x6 [30]
          6. (4 pb, aum) x6 [36]
          7. (5 pb, aum) x6 [42]
          8. (6 pb, aum) x6 [48]
          9. (7 pb, aum) x6 [54]
          10. (8 pb, aum) x6 [60]
          11. (9 pb, aum) x6 [66]
            12-16. pb em cada ponto [66]
            Para fazer a franja, continue trabalhando na mesma peça.
            Faça 11 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [10 pb]
            Pule 1 ponto de base e faça um pbxmo no próximo pb da carreira 16.
            Faça 10 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [9 pb]
            Pule 1 ponto de base e faça um pbxmo no próximo pb da carreira 16.
            Faça 9 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [8 pb]
            Pule 1 ponto de base e faça um pbxmo no próximo pb da carreira 16.
            Repita essa parte mais 7 Repita essa parte mais 7 vezes.
            Faça 10 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [9 pb]
            Pule 1 ponto de base e faça um pbxmo no próximo pb da carreira 16.
            Faça 11 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [10 pb]
            Pule 1 ponto de base e faça um pbxmo no próximo pb da carreira 16.
            Você terá um total de 12 tiras de franja. Arremate e deixe um fio longo para
            costurar. Coloque o cabelo em um ângulo na cabeça, como mostram as imagens. Com a ajuda de alfinetes, fixe cada tira de franja na “testa” da boneca.
            Deixe as 2 tiras mais longas para trás das orelhas. Com a agulha de tapeçaria,
            costure o cabelona cabeça da boneca. Você pode costurar ou fixar as tiras
            de franja com cola.Agora vamos fazer as “chiquinhas” do cabelo.

            1. Faça 6 pb no anel mágico
            2. aum x6 [12]
            3. BLO (1 pb, aum) x6 [18]
              !! É importante que você faça a carreira 3 do jeito que está descrito, fazendo
              os pontos apenas nas alcinhas de trás.
              Faça 55 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [54 pb]
              Faça um pbxmo no próximo ponto de base da carreira 3.
              Repita essa parte mais 17 vezes.
              Você terá um total de 18 tiras de cabeloFaça um pbxmo na alcinha da frente que sobrou na carreira 2. Agora vamos fazer mais 6 tiras de cabelo.
              Faça 55 correntinhas, pule 1, faça 1 pb em cada corr até o final [54 pb]
              Pule 1 alcinha e faça um pbxmo na próxima alcinha.
              Repita essa parte mais 5 Repita essa parte mais 5 vezes.
              Você terá um total de 6 tiras de cabelo.
              Faça 2 chiquinhas, uma para cada lado da cabeça. Costure na cabeça.Antes de costurar a cabeça no corpo é necessário fazer uma sustentação no
              pescoço da boneca para evitar que a cabeça fique mole. Eu usei arame de artesanato, mas você também pode usar outro método, como um bastão de cola quente ou até mesmo fazer um terceiro braço de crochê e colocar bastante enchimento dentro.
              Eu peguei o arame de artesanato de 30 cm, dobrei ao meio e coloquei dentro
              da boneca de modo que ficou entre a barriga e o meio da cabeça.
              Costure a cabeça no corpo, alinhando ponto com ponto (a cabeça terminou
              com 16 pontos, e o corpo também terminou com 16 pontos).


              Cor 5362 – agulha 2.00mm
              No final de cada carreira, faça 1 corr e vire o trabalho (carreiras de ida e
              volta). Lembrando que aum-triplo significa fazer 3 pontos baixos em um só
              ponto ou correntinha.
              Faça 34 corr + 5 corr para acomodar um botão de 0,5 cm (faça menos ou
              mais corr dependendo do tamanho do botão que você tiver). Pule as 5 corr
              do botão, insira a agulha na 6ª corr e faça:

              1. 5 pb, aum-triplo, 5 pb, aum-triplo, 10 pb, aum-triplo, 5 pb, aum-triplo, 5 pb
              2. 6 pb, aum-triplo, 7 pb, aum-triplo, 12 pb, aum-triplo, 7 pb, aum-triplo, 6 pb
              3. 8 pb, 9 aum, 16 pb, 9 aum, 8 pb [68]
              4. 8 pb, 3 corr, pula 18 pontos, 16 pb, 3 corr, pula 18 pontos, 8 pb [38]
              5. 8 pb, pb em cada corr, 16 pb, pb em cada corr, 8 pb [38]
              6. pb em cada ponto [38]
              7. Faça 2 corr, faça 2 pontos altos em cada alcinha de trás dos pontos [76]
                Faça 1 pbxmo no 1º pa para unir. A partir de agora, trabalhe em carreiras contínuas (sem virar o trabalho), unindo com pbxmo a cada nova carreira; faça 1
                pbxmo no 1º pa para unir e 2 corr para começar a nova carreira.
              8. (1 pa, aum-pa) x38 [114]
                9-14. pa em cada ponto [114]
              9. Faça 2 pontos altos em cada alcinha de trás dos pontos altos [228]Agora vamos fazer as mangas.
                Na carreira 4 do vestido, nós pulamos 18 pontos em cada manga. Vamos trabalhar nesses 18 pontos para fazer o detalhe babadinho.
                Pegue um novo fio e insira na alcinha do primeiro ponto de uma manga.
                Faça 2 corr e 2 pontos altos nessa mesma alcinha. Agora faça 4 pontos altos na próxima alcinha, e 3 pontos altos na próxima alcinha.
                Repita ** até o final.
                Faça a mesma coisa na outra manga.
                Costure um botão na parte de trás para fechar e abrir o vestido.Prenda fitas no cabelo e nas perninhas da boneca e faça um lacinho.


                Cor 002 – agulha 2.00mm



                1. 8 pb no anel mágico [8]
                2. (1, aum) x4 [12]
                3. pb em cada ponto [12]
                4. 3 pb, 6 aum, 3 pb [18]
                5. 3 pb, (1 pb, aum) x6, 3 pb [24]
                6. pb em cada ponto [24]
                7. 3 pb, (aum, 2 pb) x6, 3 pb [30]
                  8-12. pb em cada ponto [30]
                8. (3 pb, dim) x6 [24]
                  Coloque enchimento.
                9. (2 pb, dim) x6 [18]
                10. (1 pb, dim) x6 [12]
                11. dim x6 [6]
                  Arremate, deixando um pedaço de
                  fio. Com a agulha de tapeçaria, passe
                  o fio pelos 6 pontos restantes para
                  fechar a cabeça. Esconda o fio.
                  Com linha preta, borde o nariz e os olhos.



                1. 8 pb no anel mágico [8]
                  Arremate e deixe um fio longo para
                  costurar. Faça 2. Costure as orelhas
                  na cabeça entre as carreiras 8-9.

                6 pb no anel mágico [6]
                aum x6 [12]
                (1 pb, aum) x6 [18]
                (2 pb, aum) x6 [24]
                5-9. pb em cada ponto [24]

                1. (2 pb, dim) x6 [18]
                  11-13. pb em cada ponto [18]
                2. (1 pb, dim) x6 [12]
                  Coloque enchimento. Arremate e
                  deixe um fio longo para costurar.BRAÇOS

                  1. 8 pb no anel mágico [8]
                    2-7. pb em cada ponto [8]
                    Não coloque enchimento.
                    Arremate, deixando um pedaço de
                    fio para costurar. Com a agulha de
                    tapeçaria, passe o fio pelos 8 pontos
                    restantes para fechar. Faça 2.



                  1. 6 pb no anel mágico [6]
                  2. aum x6 [12]
                    3-4. pb em cada ponto [12]
                  3. 2 pb, 4 dim, 2 pb [8]
                    6-7. pb em cada ponto [8]
                    Não coloque enchimento.
                    Arremate, deixando um pedaço de
                    fio para costurar. Com a agulha de
                    tapeçaria, passe o fio pelos 8 pontos
                    restantes para fechar. Faça 2.
                    • Costure a cabeça no corpo.
                    • Costure os braços no corpo, entre
                    as carreiras 13-14.
                    • Costure as pernas no corpo, entre
                    as carreiras 7-8.
                    Enfeite o ursinho com fita decorativa.FINISH

Amigurumi Enola Girl Free Crochet Pattern


Amigurumi Enola Girl Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

We can say that Christmas time is approaching now, so I wanted to present you the santa claus amigurumi toy. You can prepare wonderful crochet handmade amigurumi dolls for your children at Christmas time. To create a step by step crochet amigurumi pattern, you must follow the instructions completely.





PERNAS (cont):


CORPO (cont):


CABEÇA (cont):









Amigurumi Sheep Free Crochet Pattern


Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Don’t forget to subscribe to receive notifications of our new free recipes.

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Sheep Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;

Materials and tools:

  1. Sport yarn:
  • Light beige (YarnArt Jeans 05)
  • Dark beige (YarnArt Jeans 48)
  • Pink (YarnArt Jeans 36)
  1. Plush yarn – White (Himalaya Dolphin Baby – 80363/80301/80302)
  2. Brown and rose thread to embroider eyebrows and nose
  3. Thin white thread for sewing
  4. Safety eyes 8 mm
  5. Crochet hook 2.00 mm and 4.00 mm
  6. Stuffing (Polyester fiber fill)
    If you use these materials, the finished toy is around 21-23 cm (8-9″) tall.
    There are no crochet instructions included in the pattern.
    It’s assumed that you’re familiar with the basic crochet stitches.
    The difficulty level of the pattern is medium.
    In this pattern is used US terminology.


st – stitch
ch – chain
sl st – slip stitch
sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
tr – treble crochet
inc – increase
dec – decrease
(sc, inc)*n – repeat those in brackets n-times


Start crocheting with the dark beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

  1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
  2. 6 inc (12)
  3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
  4. (5 sc, inc)*3 (21)
    5-6. 21 sc (2 rounds)
  5. (5 sc, dec)*3 (18)
  6. 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*2, 2 sc (15)
    Change the yarn to light beige color:
    9-16. 15 sc (8 rounds)
  7. (3 sc, dec)*3 (12)
  8. 12 sc (12)
    Stuff only 2/3 of the arms.
  9. 4 sc, fold in half and crochet 6 sc through both sides.
    Fasten off, cut the yarn.
    Sew the arms in round 15 of the body.



    Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
    As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
    Don’t forget to subscribe to receive notifications of our new free recipes.

    Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Sheep Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;







    Materials and tools:



    1. Sport yarn:
    • Light beige (YarnArt Jeans 05)
    • Dark beige (YarnArt Jeans 48)
    • Pink (YarnArt Jeans 36)
    1. Plush yarn – White (Himalaya Dolphin Baby – 80363/80301/80302)
    2. Brown and rose thread to embroider eyebrows and nose
    3. Thin white thread for sewing
    4. Safety eyes 8 mm
    5. Crochet hook 2.00 mm and 4.00 mm
    6. Stuffing (Polyester fiber fill)
      If you use these materials, the finished toy is around 21-23 cm (8-9″) tall.
      There are no crochet instructions included in the pattern.
      It’s assumed that you’re familiar with the basic crochet stitches.
      The difficulty level of the pattern is medium.
      In this pattern is used US terminology.


    st – stitch
    ch – chain
    sl st – slip stitch
    sc – single crochet
    dc – double crochet
    tr – treble crochet
    inc – increase
    dec – decrease
    (sc, inc)*n – repeat those in brackets n-times


    Start crocheting with the dark beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

    1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
    2. 6 inc (12)
    3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
    4. (5 sc, inc)*3 (21)
      5-6. 21 sc (2 rounds)
    5. (5 sc, dec)*3 (18)
    6. 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*2, 2 sc (15)
      Change the yarn to light beige color:
      9-16. 15 sc (8 rounds)
    7. (3 sc, dec)*3 (12)
    8. 12 sc (12)
      Stuff only 2/3 of the arms.
    9. 4 sc, fold in half and crochet 6 sc through both sides.
      Fasten off, cut the yarn.
      Sew the arms in round 15 of the body.




    Start crocheting with the dark beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

    1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
    2. 6 inc (12)
    3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
    4. sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, sc (24)
    5. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
      6-8. 30 sc (3 rounds)
    6. 6 sc, (sc, dec)*6, 6 sc (24)
    7. 6 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (18)
      Change the yarn to light beige color:
      11-19. 18 sc (9 rounds)
    8. (sc, dec)*6 (12)
    9. 12 sc (12)
      Stuff only 2/3 of the legs.
    10. Make 1 sc (or as much as you need for the feet to be facing forward). Fold the leg in half and crochet 6 sc through both sides.
      Fasten off, cut the yarn.
      Sew the legs between rounds 5 and 6.
    11. Body:
      Crochet with the plush yarn, hook 4 mm:

      1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
      2. 6 inc (12)
      3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
      4. sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, sc (24)
      5. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
        6-9. 30 sc (4 rounds)
      6. (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
      7. 24 sc (24)
      8. (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
        13-14. 18 sc (2 rounds)
      9. (sc, dec)*6 (12)
      10. 12 sc (12)
        Change the yarn to light beige and the hook to 2 mm.
        Stuff the body firmly, especially in the neck.
        Cut the plush yarn, we will continue with the head:

         Amigurumi Sheep Free Crochet Pattern



        Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
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        Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Sheep Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;







        Materials and tools:



        1. Sport yarn:
        • Light beige (YarnArt Jeans 05)
        • Dark beige (YarnArt Jeans 48)
        • Pink (YarnArt Jeans 36)
        1. Plush yarn – White (Himalaya Dolphin Baby – 80363/80301/80302)
        2. Brown and rose thread to embroider eyebrows and nose
        3. Thin white thread for sewing
        4. Safety eyes 8 mm
        5. Crochet hook 2.00 mm and 4.00 mm
        6. Stuffing (Polyester fiber fill)
          If you use these materials, the finished toy is around 21-23 cm (8-9″) tall.
          There are no crochet instructions included in the pattern.
          It’s assumed that you’re familiar with the basic crochet stitches.
          The difficulty level of the pattern is medium.
          In this pattern is used US terminology.


        st – stitch
        ch – chain
        sl st – slip stitch
        sc – single crochet
        dc – double crochet
        tr – treble crochet
        inc – increase
        dec – decrease
        (sc, inc)*n – repeat those in brackets n-times


        Start crocheting with the dark beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

        1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
        2. 6 inc (12)
        3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
        4. (5 sc, inc)*3 (21)
          5-6. 21 sc (2 rounds)
        5. (5 sc, dec)*3 (18)
        6. 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*2, 2 sc (15)
          Change the yarn to light beige color:
          9-16. 15 sc (8 rounds)
        7. (3 sc, dec)*3 (12)
        8. 12 sc (12)
          Stuff only 2/3 of the arms.
        9. 4 sc, fold in half and crochet 6 sc through both sides.
          Fasten off, cut the yarn.
          Sew the arms in round 15 of the body.




        Start crocheting with the dark beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

        1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
        2. 6 inc (12)
        3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
        4. sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, sc (24)
        5. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
          6-8. 30 sc (3 rounds)
        6. 6 sc, (sc, dec)*6, 6 sc (24)
        7. 6 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (18)
          Change the yarn to light beige color:
          11-19. 18 sc (9 rounds)
        8. (sc, dec)*6 (12)
        9. 12 sc (12)
          Stuff only 2/3 of the legs.
        10. Make 1 sc (or as much as you need for the feet to be facing forward). Fold the leg in half and crochet 6 sc through both sides.
          Fasten off, cut the yarn.
          Sew the legs between rounds 5 and 6.


        Crochet with the plush yarn, hook 4 mm:

        1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
        2. 6 inc (12)
        3. (sc, inc)*6 (18)
        4. sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, sc (24)
        5. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
          6-9. 30 sc (4 rounds)
        6. (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
        7. 24 sc (24)
        8. (2 sc, dec)*6 (18)
          13-14. 18 sc (2 rounds)
        9. (sc, dec)*6 (12)
        10. 12 sc (12)
          Change the yarn to light beige and the hook to 2 mm.
          Stuff the body firmly, especially in the neck.
          Cut the plush yarn, we will continue with the head:


        Continue crocheting with the light beige yarn. Stuff as you go.

          1. back loops only: Make 2 sc in every st of the body (24)
          2. (sc, inc)*12 (36)
          3. (2 sc, inc)*12 (48)
          4. (7 sc, inc)*6 (54)
          5. 4 sc, inc, (8 sc, inc)*5, 4 sc (60)
          6. (9 sc, inc)*6 (66)
            7-9. 66 sc (3 rounds)
          7. 12 sc, (sc, dec)6, 6 sc, (sc, dec)6, 12 sc (54)
          8. 23 sc, put a marker for the first eye, 9 sc, put a marker for the second eye, 22 sc (54)
            12-19. 54 sc (8 rounds)
            Insert the safety eyes in the marked points.
          9. (7 sc, dec)*6 (48)
          10. 3 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec)*5, 3 sc (42)
          11. (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
          12. 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*5, 2 sc (30)
          13. (3 sc, dec)*6 (24)
          14. (sc, dec)*8 (16)
          15. 8 dec (8)
            Make sure that the head is stuffed firmly.
            Close the opening and hide the yarn inside.

        Head sculpting (look at the pictures):
        Mark the points 1 and 2, 3 and 4 with pins, as it’s shown in the photo.
        Insert a long threaded needle through the head bottom and pull it out from the point 1. Then reinsert into the point 2 and pull out from the head bottom.
        Continue with the needle sculpting for the second eye in the same way. Pull the thread ends and tie a knot. Hide the thread inside the head.
        Embroider the muzzle with the brown thread. It should be one round under the eyes and four rounds long. Continue with the eyebrows. They should be in round 16 of the head.
        Embroider the nose with the rose thread right above the muzzle.
        Pain the cheeks with a pink eyeshadow or pastel.

        Plush cap:
        Crochet with the plush yarn, hook 4 mm:

        1. 8 sc into a magic ring (8)
        2. 8 inc (16)
        3. (sc, inc)*8 (24)
        4. (3 sc, inc)*6 (30)
        5. 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc)*5, 2 sc (36)
        6. (5 sc, inc)*6 (42)
          7-11. 42 sc (5 rounds)
          Make a sl st, fasten off and cut the yarn.
          (Note: If you crochet very wide, skip round 6 and make 4-5 rounds of 36 sc)
          Sew the plush cap on the head with the thin white thread. Grab only the back loops of the cap to make the stitch invisible. The cap should be right above round 19 in the front and near the neck in the back.Ears:
          Crochet with light beige yarn, hook 2 mm

          1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
          2. (sc, inc)*3 (9)
          3. (2 sc, inc)*3 (12)
          4. (3 sc, inc)*3 (15)
          5. (4 sc, inc)*3 (18)
            6-8. 18 sc (3 rounds)
          6. (4 sc, dec)*3 (15)
          7. (3 sc, dec)*3 (12)
            Fasten off and cut the yarn, leaving a tail for sewing.
            Fold the ear in half and sew the opposite sides together.
            Sew the ears on the plush cap near round 15.Tail:
            Crochet with the light beige yarn, hook 2 mm:

            1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)
            2. (sc, inc)*3 (9)
            3. (2 sc, inc)*3 (12)
            4. (3 sc, inc)*3 (15)
              5-6. 15 sc (2 rounds)
              Fasten off and cut the yarn, leaving a tail for sewing.
              Sew the tail on the back in round 6.
            5. Ribbon:
              Crochet with the pink yarn, hook 2 mm:
              Make a magic ring (or chain 2) and crochet in it: (3 ch, 3 tr, 3 ch, sl st)*2.
              Tighten the magic ring, fasten off and cut the yarn leaving a tail for sewing.
              Wrap the yarn around the ribbon a few times. Make a knot.
              Make 2 ribbons and sew them above the ears.
            6. FINISH

1. Cute Bunny Baby Booties


If you want to bring a dose of cuteness to your baby booties, then crochet bunny booties are an excellent choice. The fluffy bunny ears and the adorable embroidered faces will make these booties an instant hit with both parents and the little one. Here’s how you can create them:

Crochet Animal Baby Bootie

Materials Needed:

  • Worsted weight yarn in white, pink, and black
  • Crochet hook (size G)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Scissors


  1. Start with the sole of the bootie in white yarn. Use a basic baby bootie pattern to create the base.
  2. For the bunny ears, crochet two pieces in white yarn, shaping them into ovals with pointed tips. Attach them to the top of the bootie.
  3. Use pink yarn to create the inner ear, and attach it to the white bunny ears.
  4. Embroider the bunny’s eyes, nose, and mouth with black yarn.
  5. Finish the booties with a cute little tail on the back.

These bunny baby booties will surely make the baby look as adorable as a little rabbit!

2. Fuzzy Bear Baby Booties

For a cozy and warm option, consider crocheting bear baby booties. These will keep the baby’s feet snug and toasty, while the bear face adds a charming touch. Here’s how to make them:

Materials Needed:

  • Bulky weight yarn in brown and black
  • Crochet hook (size H)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Scissors


  1. Start with the sole of the bootie in brown yarn, following a basic baby bootie pattern.
  2. For the bear ears, crochet two circular pieces in brown and attach them to the top of the bootie.
  3. Create the inner ear with a smaller circle in a lighter shade of brown.
  4. Embroider the bear’s eyes, nose, and mouth with black yarn.
  5. Finish the booties with a little tail on the back and perhaps some claws on the soles.

These bear booties will make the baby feel as if they’re walking with a cuddly bear by their side.

3. Whimsical Elephant Baby Booties

Elephants are known for their wisdom and grace. Crocheting elephant baby booties is a wonderful way to add a touch of wisdom to your gift. These booties feature elephant ears and trunks, making them utterly charming. Here’s how to crochet them:

Materials Needed:

  • Worsted weight yarn in gray and black
  • Crochet hook (size G)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Scissors


  1. Begin with the sole of the bootie in gray yarn, using a basic baby bootie pattern.
  2. For the elephant ears, crochet two large, floppy gray ear shapes and attach them to the top of the bootie.
  3. Create the inner ear with a smaller pink or gray circle.
  4. Add a crochet trunk to the front of the bootie.
  5. Embroider the elephant’s eyes with black yarn.

These elephant baby booties will surely make the baby feel as wise as an elephant.

4. Playful Penguin Baby Booties

Penguins are known for their cute waddling, and crocheting penguin baby booties can capture the essence of this charming bird. These booties feature penguin faces and flipper-like feet, making them a delightful choice for a baby gift. Here’s how to make them:

Materials Needed:

  • Worsted weight yarn in black, white, and orange
  • Crochet hook (size G)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Scissors


  1. Start with the sole of the bootie in black yarn, following a basic baby bootie pattern.
  2. For the penguin’s face, crochet a white oval and attach it to the front of the bootie.
  3. Crochet two orange penguin feet and attach them to the sides.
  4. Create a black beak, and use black yarn to embroider the penguin’s eyes.
  5. Finish the booties with a penguin tail on the back.

These penguin baby booties will have the baby waddling in style.

5. Adorable Owl Baby Booties

Owls symbolize wisdom and knowledge, making them a fantastic choice for baby booties. Crochet owl baby booties are both charming and meaningful, making them a perfect gift for a little one. Here’s how to create them:

Materials Needed:

  • Worsted weight yarn in various colors for the owl’s body, wings, and eyes
  • Crochet hook (size G)
  • Yarn needle
  • Stitch markers
  • Scissors


  1. Start with the sole of the bootie in a color of your choice.
  2. Crochet two owl faces in a different color and attach them to the top of the bootie.
  3. Create the owl’s wings in the same color as the face and attach them to the sides.
  4. Make two large owl eyes using two different colors and attach them to the front.
  5. Embroider the owl’s beak and feathers for extra details.

These owl baby booties are a wise and adorable choice for a baby’s first footwear.

In conclusion, crocheting animal-themed baby booties adds a delightful and personalized touch to your gift. Whether you opt for bunnies, bears, elephants, penguins, or owls, your handmade creations will surely be cherished by the baby and their parents. So, pick your favorite animal, gather your materials, and start crocheting these adorable baby booties today!

Friendly Owl Amigurumi Crochet


Owl Amigurumi

Materials and Tools

Gather the following supplies before you start:

  • Yarn: Brown, white, and orange. Medium weight (4) yarn is recommended.
  • Crochet Hook: Size 3.5 mm.
  • Fiberfill: For stuffing.
  • Stitch Markers: To keep track of rounds.
  • Yarn Needle: For sewing parts together.
  • Scissors.
  • Safety Eyes: 9 mm, or use black yarn for embroidered eyes.

Skill Level

Intermediate. Basic knowledge of crochet stitches and amigurumi techniques is helpful.


  • ch: chain
  • st(s): stitch(es)
  • sc: single crochet
  • inc: increase (2 sc in one st)
  • dec: decrease (sc 2 sts together)
  • sl st: slip stitch
  • [ ]: repeat instructions between brackets as directed

Owl Amigurumi Pattern

Body (Use brown yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Round 3: [Sc in next st, inc in next st] 6 times (18 sts)
  4. Rounds 4-12: Sc in each st around (18 sts)
  5. Round 13: [Sc in next st, dec] 6 times (12 sts)
  6. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff the body firmly.

Head (Use brown yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Round 3: [Sc in next st, inc in next st] 6 times (18 sts)
  4. Rounds 4-10: Sc in each st around (18 sts)
  5. Round 11: [Sc in next st, dec] 6 times (12 sts)
  6. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Insert safety eyes between Rounds 8 and 9, about 4 sts apart. Stuff the head.

Wings (Make 2, use brown yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Rounds 3-5: Sc in each st around (12 sts)
  4. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Feet (Make 2, use orange yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: [Sc in next 2 sts, inc] twice (8 sts)
  3. Rounds 3-4: Sc in each st around (8 sts)
  4. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Beak (Use orange yarn)

  1. Row 1: Ch 2, sc in second ch from hook (1 st)
  2. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in st (2 sts)
  3. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across (2 sts)
  4. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Eyes (Make 2, use white yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.


  • Sew the head to the body.
  • Attach the wings to either side of the body.
  • Sew the feet to the bottom of the body.
  • Attach the beak between the eyes.
  • Sew the white eye patches in place, and then attach the safety eyes or embroider the eyes.


Your adorable Owl Amigurumi is now complete! This cute and cuddly creature is a testament to your crochet skills and is sure to be a hit with anyone who sees it. Whether it’s perched on a shelf, given as a thoughtful handmade gift, or used as a cozy companion, this owl is bound to bring joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Superman Amigurumi: A Step-by-Step Crochet Guide


Superman Amigurumi

Materials and Tools

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Yarn: Red, blue, yellow, and black. Medium weight (4) is recommended.
  • Crochet Hook: Size 3.5 mm.
  • Fiberfill: For stuffing.
  • Stitch Markers: To keep track of rounds.
  • Yarn Needle: For sewing parts together.
  • Scissors.
  • Black Embroidery Thread: For details.
  • Safety Eyes: 9 mm.

Skill Level

Intermediate. Familiarity with basic crochet stitches and amigurumi techniques is required.


  • ch: chain
  • st(s): stitch(es)
  • sc: single crochet
  • inc: increase (2 sc in one st)
  • dec: decrease (sc 2 sts together)
  • sl st: slip stitch
  • [ ]: repeat instructions between brackets as directed

Superman Amigurumi Pattern

Head (Use skin-colored yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Round 3: [Sc in next st, inc in next st] 6 times (18 sts)
  4. Rounds 4-9: Sc in each st around (18 sts)
  5. Round 10: [Sc in next st, dec] 6 times (12 sts)
  6. Round 11: Dec around (6 sts)
  7. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Add safety eyes between Rounds 7 and 8, about 4 sts apart. Stuff the head.

Body (Start with blue yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Round 3: [Sc in next st, inc in next st] 6 times (18 sts)
  4. Rounds 4-5: Sc in each st around (18 sts)
  5. Round 6: Change to red yarn, sc in each st around (18 sts)
  6. Rounds 7-11: Sc in each st around (18 sts)
  7. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff the body.

Arms (Make 2, use blue yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Rounds 2-7: Sc in each st around (6 sts)
  3. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Lightly stuff the arms.

Legs (Make 2, start with red yarn)

  1. Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6 sts)
  2. Round 2: Inc in each st around (12 sts)
  3. Rounds 3-4: Sc in each st around (12 sts)
  4. Round 5: Change to blue yarn, sc in each st around (12 sts)
  5. Rounds 6-8: Sc in each st around (12 sts)
  6. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff the legs.

Cape (Use red yarn)

  1. Row 1: Ch 12, turn, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across (11 sts)
  2. Rows 2-10: Ch 1, turn, sc in each st across (11 sts)
  3. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.


  • Sew the head to the body.
  • Attach the arms to the body at shoulder level.
  • Sew the legs to the bottom of the body.
  • Attach the cape to the back of Superman’s neck.
  • Use black embroidery thread to embroider the hair and facial features.


Congratulations! You’ve now created your very own Superman Amigurumi. This project not only brings joy in crafting but also celebrates a beloved superhero in a unique, handmade form. Share your creation with friends, family, or fellow crochet enthusiasts, and don’t forget to explore further amigurumi designs to expand your crafting journey!

Patrón de ganchillo gratis: La muñeca Chloe de La Crocheteria


Materiales:Aguja de ganchillo de 2mm
Aguja de tapicería.
Un par de ojos de seguridad de 6mm o hilo negro para bordarlos.

Abreviaturas:cad- punto cadena o cadeneta
pr- punto raso o deslizado
mp- medio punto o punto bajo
mv- media vareta o medio punto alto
pv- punto alto o vareta
aum- aumento
dis- disminución
(…)- Repetir los puntos entre paréntesis por (x) la cantidad de veces que se indica

Procura usar un número menos de aguja al recomendado por la etiqueta para que no te salgan agujeros. La muñeca mide 18 cm, si utilizas otro grosor de hilo u otro tamaño de aguja el tamaño final de tu muñeca puede variar, con lo cual tendrías que adaptar unos ojos de otra medida. Se teje en espiral siempre que no se indique otra cosa. Los cambios de color hazlos siempre en el último paso del último punto. Debes ir rellenando conforme vas tejiendo. Chloe se hace de abajo a arriba

ZAPATO: (Haz 2)
1. 6 mp en anillo mágico. (6)
2. 6 aum. (12)
3. (1 mp, 1 aum) x 6. (18)
4. En esta ronda utiliza solo la hebra trasera 18 mp. (18)
5. 18 mp. (18)
6. 5 mp, 4 dis, 5 mp (14)
7. 5 mp, 2 dis, 5 mp (12)
(Usar solo la hebra trasera)

PIERNAS: (Cambia al color piel N37)
8. En esta ronda utiliza solo la hebra trasera. 12 mp. (12)
9-25. 12 mp. (12)
Cierra el punto y corta la hebra.
CUERPO: (Cambia al color de las braguitas)
Junta un poco las puntas de los zapatos y pon marcadores en los puntos que te servirán de unión. Si te gusta con los pies rectos no juntes las puntas
Empieza por la pierna derecha, engancha la hebra donde pusiste el marcador.
Haz 2 cadenetas y une a la otra pierna.
Así deben quedar después de la ronda 26. Rellena las piernas y continúa tejiendo.
26. 12mp, 2mp en las 2 cad, 12mp, 2mp en las 2 cad.(28)
27. 3 mp, 1 aum, (6 mp, 1 aum)x3, 3 mp. (32)
28. (7 mp, 1 aum)x4. (36)
29-31. 36 mp (36) Cambia al color del vestido con un punto.
32. 36 mp. (36)
33. En esta ronda utiliza solo la hebra trasera. 36 mp. (36)
34. 2 mp, 1 dis, (4 mp, 1 dis)x5, 2 mp. (30)
35-36. 30 mp. (30)
37. (3 mp, 1 dis)x6 (24)
38-43. 24 mp. (24)
44. 1mp, 1 dis, (2mp, 1 dis)x5, 1 mp (18)
45. (1 mp, 1 dis)x6 (12)
Quizás te sea más fácil hacer el volante antes que la cabeza.
CABEZA: (Cambia al color piel)
46. 12mp (12)
47. 12 aum (24)
48. (3 mp, 1 aum)x6 (30)
49. 2 mp, 1 aum, (4 mp, 1 aum)x5, 2 mp (36)
50. (5 mp, 1 aum)x6 (42)
51. 3 mp, 1 aum, (6 mp, 1 aum)x5, 3 mp (48)
52. (7 mp, 1 aum)x6 (54)
53-63. 54 mp (54) (Pon los ojos de seguridad entre las rondas
54 y 55, con una distancia de 11 puntos entre ellos)
64. (7 mp, 1 dis)x6 (48)
65. 3 mp, 1 dis, (6 mp, 1 dis)x5, 3 mp (42)
66. (5 mp, 1 dis)x6 (36)
67. 2 mp, 1 dis, (4 mp,1 dis)x5, 2 mp (30)
68. (3 mp, 1 dis)x6 (24)
69. 1 mp, 1 dis, (2 mp, 1 dis)x5, 1 mp (18)
70. (1 mp, 1 dis)x6 (12)
71. 6 dis (6)
Cierra los puntos y esconde la hebra
Utiliza la hebra delantera de la ronda 33 Empieza por la espalda con un punto bajo de pie
1. 36 mp (unir con un pr al primer mp). (36)
2. (3 cad, 1 pv en el mismo punto), 35 aum de pv Unir con un pr al primer pv. (72)
3. 3 cad, 1 aum de pv en el siguiente punto, (1 pv, 1 aum de pv)x35 Unir con un pr al primer pv. (108)
4. 3 cad, 108 pv. (108)
Cuando hayas terminado el volante incorpora una hebra de otro color y haz puntos deslizados alrededor de la ronda 34 (justo encima del volante).
Empieza donde quieras que quede el lazo, dejando una hebra larga al principio y al final que te servirá para hacerle un lazo.
1. 6 mp en anillo mágico. (6)
2. 6 aum. (12)
3. (1 mp, 1 aum) x 6. (18)
4. 1 mp, 1 aum, (2 mp, 1 aum)x5, 1 mp (24)
5. (3 mp, 1 aum)x6 (30)
6. 2 mp, 1 aum, (4 mp, 1 aum)x5, 2 mp (36)
7. (5 mp, 1 aum)x6 (42)
8. 3 mp, 1 aum, (6 mp, 1 aum)x5, 3 mp (48)
9. (7 mp, 1 aum)x6 (54)
10-19. 54 mp (54)
20. (7 mp, 1 dis)x6 (48)

MOÑOS: (Haz 2)
1. 6 mp en anillo mágico. (6)
2. 6 aum. (12)
3. (1 mp, 1 aum) x 6. (18)
4. (2 mp, 1 aum) x 6. (24)
5-8. 24 mp (24)
9. (2 mp, 1 dis) x 6 (18)
Rellénalos y cóselos al pelo.

BRAZOS: (Los brazos no se rellenan).
1. 4 mp en anillo mágico. (4)
2. 4 aum. (8)
3-17. 8 mp (8)
Dobla y ciera con 4mp.

FLORES: (Haz 2 de cada color, 4 para cada moño).
1. 4 mp en anillo mágico (4)
2. 4 aum (8)
Cierra el punto y corta el hilo dejando una hebra larga. Corta el sobrante de hilo del anillo mágico y con una aguja pasa la hebra larga por dentro de la flor, justo por el centro del anillo mágico.
Junta 4 flores y haz un nudo para unirlas lo más próximo que puedas a las flores.

Haz 5 o 6 puntos picot de 5 cad en un anillo mágico.
En las siguientes fotos te explico como se hace.
1- Haz 5 cadenas al aire desde el anillo mágico.
2- Introduce la aguja en la primera cadena
3- Y haz un punto deslizado
4- Después haz otro punto deslizado en el anillo mágico.
4-Repite este paso 4 o 5 veces más, según las hojas que te gusten.
No cierres del todo el anillo mágico, introduce por él todas las hebras del ramillete de flores.
Ahora cierra el anillo dejando el nudo con el que uniste las flores por fuera.
Recorta el sobrante de los hilos de las flores (no cortes los de las hojas, te van a servir después), puedes echarle una gota de pegamento para fijarlo mejor.
Utiliza las hebras verdes de las hojas para poner los ramilletes en los moños, puedes darle unas cuantas vueltas al moño con el hilo para que quede más bonito.

Para terminar bórdale un flequillo y una nariz.

Cute Girl in Yellow Dress Crochet Pattern


【Abbrevations】sc = single crochet, inc = increase, dec = decrease, dc = double crochet, ch = chain stitch, sp = spaces, hdc = half double crochet, ss = slip stitch

【Head】make with skin color

Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR

Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)

Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (18)

Rnd 4: (2 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (24)

Rnd 5: (3 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (30)

Rnd 6: (4 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (36)

Rnd 7: (5 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (42)

Rnd 8: (6 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (48)

Rnd 9: (7 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (54)

Rnd 10: (8 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (60)

Rnd 11: (19 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (63)

Rnd 12-23: 63 sc

Rnd 24: 10 sc, (1 inc, 2 sc) x 8, 29 sc (71)

Rnd 25-28: 71 sc (71)

Install the eye between Rnd 22 and Rnd 23.

Rnd 29: 10 sc, (1 dec, 2 sc) x 8, 29 sc (63)

Rnd 30: (19 sc, 1 dec) x 3 (60)

Rnd 31: (4 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc) x 6 (54)

Rnd 32: (7 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (48)

Rnd 33: (3 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc) x 6 (42)

Rnd 34: (5 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (36)

Rnd 35: (2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc) x 6 (30)

Rnd 36: (3 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (24)

Rnd 37: (1 sc, 1 dec. 1 sc) x 6 (18)

Slip stitch to finish and conceal end. Filling.

Embroider the whites of the eyes with white thread.

Embroider eyebrows and eyelashes with brown thread.Use the skin color line to embroider the nose in the middle of the eyes.

【Hair】make with brown color

Prepare 40 pieces of thread 50 cm long.

Fix the center position from the middle of Rnd7 on the top of the head, and fix the other end at the position 4 rows below the eyes.

The left and right sides of the hair are fixed in the form of a middle part, leaving braids on both sides, and the hair at the back is fixed neatly.

You can refer to the pictures.

【Hand】x 2, make with skin color

Rnd 1: 6 sc in MR

Rnd 2: 6 inc (12)

Rnd 3-5: 12 sc

Rnd 6: 2 sc, 4 dc in one stitch, 9 sc (15)

Rnd 7: 2 sc, crochet 4 dc into one stitch, 9 sc (12)

Rnd 8: (1 sc, 1 dec) x 4 (8)

Rnd 9-27: 8 sc (8)

【Leg】x 2, make with turmeric color

4 ch, start crocheting from the penultimate stitch.

Rnd 1: 2 sc, 3 sc in one stitch, 2 sc, 3 sc in one stitch (10)

Rnd 2: 2 sc, 3 inc, 2 sc, 3 inc (16)

Rnd 3: 3 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc) x 2, 1 inc, 3 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc) x 2, 1 inc (22)

Rnd 4: 4 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc) x 2, 1 inc, 6 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc) x 2, 1 inc, 2 sc (28)

Rnd 5: 11 sc, 1 inc, 4 sc, 1 inc, 11 sc (30)

Rnd 6: BLO, 30 sc

Put the bottom of the foot into the cardboard.

Rnd 7-8: 30 sc

Rnd 9: 7 sc, (1 dec, 1 sc) x 6, 5 sc (30)

Rnd 10: 7 sc, (1 dec, 1 sc) x 4, 5 sc (20)

Rnd 11: (2 sc, 1 dec) x 5 (15)

Rnd 12-17: 15 sc

change to white color

Rnd 18: BLO, 15 sc (15)

Rnd 19: 1 inc, 14 sc (16)

change to skin color

Rnd 20: BLO, 16 sc (16)

Rnd 21: 16 sc

Rnd 22-23: 16 sc (16)

Rnd 24: 1 sc, 1 inc, 14 sc (17)

Rnd 25-28: 17 sc

Rnd 29: 15 sc, 1 dec (16)

Rnd 30: (1 sc, 1 dec) x 2, 3 sc, 3 inc, 4 sc (17)

Rnd 31: 17 sc

Rnd 32: 2 sc, 1 inc, 14 sc (18)

Rnd 33-34: 18 sc

Rnd 35: 3 sc, 1 inc, 14 sc (19)

Rnd 36-37: 19 sc

Rnd 38: 4 sc, 1 inc, 14 sc (20)

Rnd 39-44: 20 sc (20)

The first leg: Break the yarn.

The second leg: Do not break the yarn.


make with turmeric color, crochet on Rnd 18, FLO, 15 sc

make with white color, crochet on Rnd 20, FLO, 16 sc

Embroider shoelaces with white thread.

【Body】make with skin color

2 ch, link two legs, continue to crochet the body.

Rnd 1: 20 sc, 2 inc, 20 sc, 2 inc (48)

Rnd 2-11: 48 sc

Rnd 12: (6 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (42)

Rnd 13-14: 42 sc

Rnd 15: (5 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (36)

Rnd 16-21: 36 sc

Add the arms below and continue crochet, making sure the hands are on the sides of the body. You can adjust the number of stitches by yourself.

Rnd 22: 8 sc, 1 sc (body +hand), 16 sc, 1 sc (body +hand), 10 sc (36)

Rnd 23: 8 sc, 7 sc (remaining hand), 16 sc, 7 sc (remaining hand), 10 sc (48)

Rnd 24: (6 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (42)

Rnd 25: (5 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (36)

Rnd 26: (4 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (30)

Rnd 27: (3 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (24)

Rnd 28: (2 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (18)

Rnd 29-31: 18 sc

Filling. Fasten off and leave long end for sewing.

【Dress】make with turmeric color

31 ch, start crocheting from the penultimate stitch

Rnd 1: (4 sc, 1 inc) x 6 (36)

Rnd 2: (8 sc, 1 in) x 4 (40)

Rnd 3: 6 sc, 7 ch, 8 sp, 12 sc, 7 ch, 8 sp, 6 sc (38)

Rnd 4-8: 38 sc

Rnd 9: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 19 (57)

Rnd 10: (2 sc, 1 inc) x 19 (76)

Rnd 11-31: 76 sc

Rnd 32: FLO, 76 sc

Rnd 33-34: 76 sc

Rnd 35: 1 ss, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 ss, Repeat crochet until finished.

Crochet Rnd 31 with light brown thread.

Rnd 1: BLO, 76 sc

Rnd 2-5: 76 sc

Rnd 6: 1 ss, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 ss, Repeat crochet until finished.

【Sleeve】x2, make with turmeric color, crochet on the dress.

Rnd 1-21: 16 sc

Slip stitch to finish and conceal end.

Put the clothes on the body first, and then sew the head and body together.

【Scarf】make with orange color

4 ch, (turn, 3 sc,1 ch), repeat crochet until it is about 75cm long.

【Hat】make with orange color

Rnd 1: 12 dc in MR

Rnd 2: (2 dc in one stitch) x 12 (24)

Rnd 3: (1 dc, 2 dc in one stitch) x 12 (36)

Rnd 4: (2 dc, 2 dc in one stitch) x 12 (48)

Rnd 5: 48 dc

Rnd 6: (3 dc, 2 dc in one stitch) x 12 (60)

Rnd 7-16: 60 dc

Slip stitch to finish and conceal end.

Make a pompom on top of the hat.

How to Crochet Nativity Set Amigurumi – Pattern FreeHow to Crochet Nativity Set Amigurumi – Pattern Free


Materials Needed:

  • Crochet yarn (colors: white, blue, brown)
  • Compatible crochet hook
  • Amigurumi stuffing
  • Safety eyes


  1. Head and Body:
    • Begin with a magic ring using white yarn.
    • Make 6 single crochet (sc) in the magic ring and close.
    • Continue increasing until you reach the desired head size.
    • Then, work in a spiral to form the body.
  2. Arms and Legs:
    • Make 2 chains and work back and forth to create the arms.
    • Make 4 chains for the legs and work back and forth.
    • Sew the limbs onto the body.
  3. Dress:
    • Use blue yarn to create the dress, alternating between double crochet and single crochet.
    • Add details such as sleeves and skirt.
  4. Hair and Face:
    • Attach the brown yarn to create the hair using chain stitches.
    • Add safety eyes and facial details.

Repeat the process for Joseph, Baby Jesus, and other characters.

Crochet Christmas Decorations: In addition to the nativity scene, you can decorate your home with lovely crochet pieces. Wreaths, tree ornaments, and crochet stockings are great options. Try creating small amigurumi Christmas ornaments to add a playful touch to your tree. These ornaments can include snowmen, reindeer, and even tiny presents.

Amigurumi Crochet Technique: The amigurumi crochet technique is perfect for creating small, three-dimensional dolls and animals, ideal for Christmas decoration. By utilizing the amigurumi technique, you can add charming details to your Christmas characters, such as facial expressions, detailed clothing, and festive accessories.

Tips for Amigurumi Crochet:

  1. Yarn Choice: Opt for a soft yarn that is easy to handle, especially when working on small projects.
  2. Safety Eyes: When creating amigurumis, consider using safety eyes to give a professional and secure touch to your projects.
  3. Experiment with Colors: Play with colors to add personality to your amigurumis. Vibrant and festive colors are ideal for Christmas projects.
  4. Special Details: Add special details, such as scarves, hats, and small ornaments, to make your amigurumis even more enchanting.

Crochet offers countless creative possibilities for Christmas decoration. By creating a crochet nativity scene and incorporating the amigurumi technique into your projects, you add a personal and handmade touch to your celebration. Share the Christmas spirit with friends and family by gifting them with your own handmade creations. May this Christmas be filled with warmth, love, and plenty of creativity!